After searching the products in the online shop, add them to your shopping cart, check them out, verify the Shipping Address, and submit your order
If you place a preorder before Deadline, we ask only 20% advance amount, the balance will be asked when the products will be available, we will do invoice and must be paid within 7 days. For other preorders out Deadline, we ask full payment amount for preorder.
When you’ll receive the confirm of your order, you’ll receive the invoice in your email. The invoice must be paid within 7 days.
Bank Details:
Collectmarketplace srls
Banca di credico cooperativo di Pachino
Free shipments only for Italy for orders over 1000€ . The shipments cost for other countries will be calculated in the basket.
We don’t accept returns and refund.
All preorders may be subject to allocation by the manufacturer. So we cannot guarantee 100% that everything that is pre-ordered will be received. We will have the opportunity to allocate it and therefore you can suffer cuts. Of course, your 20% deposit will not be lost but will still be counted on the final invoice. Allocations only redistribute the products actually available to customers.
Due to the nature of our business (B2B) and the fact that we have customers from all over the world with different VAT systems, our prices are listed as net-prices. For shipping within Italy, the individual VAT will be added later in the invoicing process.
In the Close-Out page you’ll found the products with a particular discount price.